Jogo bom e divertido , gostei de estar em PT-BR e quero agradecer ao tradutor que traduziu esse jogo e sobre ele , gostei dos finais e o último considero que seja o verdadeiro ,você podendo interagir com as pessoas também foi muito legal.
Compared to your previous works, this was definitely a improvement! Loved the whole thing throughout especially trying to find all the endings. The 2nd one really stumped me haha. Made a video on it.
Ending 4 shocked me. I feel like that shows that acknowledging someone's existence even with a small conversation can make someone's day. Overall this is a pretty good game. Getting all of the endings were easy, you just have to talk to the people in a certain order. I had fun. Keep up the good work.
Bit sad that ending 4 is probably the closest this game has to a "good" ending. Perhaps the real horror is the depth of human misery. Also I wish games would stop using your username in games. Or that my computer didn't shorten "William" to "Willi" for some reason. Haha
So unpredictable, so shocking and just straight up messed me up, in a good way.
The game deserves more attention. It has such a simple idea behind it, although the impact of the choices really are showcased with the endings. Rarely, do horror games care about changing something, especially if the experience is short, but this game doesn't shy away from the drama - indeed a well delivered experience.
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Jogo bom e divertido , gostei de estar em PT-BR e quero agradecer ao tradutor que traduziu esse jogo e sobre ele , gostei dos finais e o último considero que seja o verdadeiro ,você podendo interagir com as pessoas também foi muito legal.
That mechanic was just spiteful ! At least the old man had a bit of an excuse lol Keep up the good work !
Included this in my 3 random horror game video!
Compared to your previous works, this was definitely a improvement! Loved the whole thing throughout especially trying to find all the endings. The 2nd one really stumped me haha. Made a video on it.
Thanks for playing! I'm working on a secret good ending so stay tuned!
Good game
So unpredictable, so shocking and just straight up messed me up, in a good way.
The game deserves more attention. It has such a simple idea behind it, although the impact of the choices really are showcased with the endings. Rarely, do horror games care about changing something, especially if the experience is short, but this game doesn't shy away from the drama - indeed a well delivered experience.
Best of luck with the future projects!
Thanks for that amazing review! :)
Very solid, well done!
Nice work! Short and simple, easy to replay, a bit spooky once the train bit starts. I had fun, keep up the good work!
Haha, always show kindness to a man who looks upset! What a funny little game. I had an absolute blast playing it!
Thanks :)
Great game, thank you for letting me to translate it into Turkish!
Thanks to you, amazing work!
Thanks for playing!